Sunday, December 17, 2006

Test Blog for 1st Annual Block 06-07

I am experimenting with an alternative to my online course. There I can ask you questions and get personal replies that are private and personal between us. Here I can ask questions for class discussions, and we can all read and respond to each others thoughts. If I like the way this works, we will need to figure out how to grade it. So let's start here with this discussion exploring ways of grading participation in this discussion. There are several questions that need to be answered first.
  1. Are these mandatory assignments - that is if you choose not to participate, do you get a zero?
  2. If they are mandatory, what percentage of your grade should they be?
  3. If they are not mandatory, how should we count them? Extra Credit? If so, how much extra credit is fair?
  4. There is a third possibility, and that is that those who opt in, get credit, and those who opt out, are not penalized for not participating - we would still need to decide how much credit those who are in would get.
  5. If we do #4 above, would we require the other students to do something else for that same portion of credit, or only have to do some percentage of the course requirements total?

OK...I think that is enough to think about - You all have been part of my online course requirement at the other setting, so I am particularly interested in your thoughts here. Please be sure to give a first name and a period so I know who to give any credit to I might give for responding to this between now and start of Annual Block 2!

Please comment before 12/21/06 at 11.55 pm if you want your comments to possibly affect your grade! Thank you.


Brian Every said...

I am exploring the comment process, so far so good, I have not be asked to register, so I might not have to as the owner, you should have to. You also have to do the what are the funny letters in a box routine so that it knows you are not a machine...Any of you Machines?? And onward.

Brian Every said...

I also am the moderator, and get an email every time someone posts. I have to approve it before you will see it, I will try to get to them ASAP, but no promises. The main thing is I will get them, and they will be posted unless you take liberty with language and content. You know what is acceptable in class, so keep it that acceptable and you will have no problem.

Unknown said...

de Vlugt
period 2

1) All the assignments are mandatory, and if you do not participate, do your work, and turn it in you will get a zero, no matter what.
2)I think if the assignment is manditory that it should be atleast 30% of your grade.
3)If the assignments are not manditory and the student takes the time out of their day to do the work anyway they should recieve extra credit. The amount of extra credit that is given depends on the work that they did.
4)If someone does not participate and do the work that has been assigned they should be penalized for not participating, they should recieve a zero. If you do participate, and turn in all your work I think that you should recieve a 100, or full credit.
5)I think that if the student has an excuse from a parent or doctor that they should recieve something else for that same portion of the class that they missed.